The Easiest Way To Sell Your Software Online.

Avoid huge marketplace fees and sell your products directly to your customers. Use your own Stripe, Paddle, PayPal, or LemonSqueezy account where you get paid directly. IndieHub charges just 1% of revenue and your first $2500 in sales every month is always free.

Understand Product and Subscription Performance.

See how your products and subscriptions are doing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Works Directly with Source Control.

Connect your Github account and offer users your latest release or invite them to private repositories.

Get Paid Directly.

Link your Stripe, Paddle, or LemonSqueezy accounts and recieve payment directly. We offer a generous free tier then just 1% after that.

Custom Product and Checkout Pages.

Provide users with a simple and secure 1-step checkout page.

One-time Purchases and Recurring Subscriptions.

Crate single purchase products (like a single license key) or recurring subscriptions.

Discounts, User Management, Invoices

Promote limited use or ongoing discount codes, manage users, and generate invoices.

License Key Generation and Enforcement.

Offer expiring or perpetual license keys to your users and then verify them via our API.

Blog and SEO

Create content and lead organic traffic to your products or update users about new features.

Roadmap and Bugs

Allow users to offer product suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports.

Developer APIs to verify purchases.

Make API calls to verify a purchases directly from your backend.

Know what's working and what isn't.

Connect analytics providers like Google Analytics, PostHog, or Mixpanel and get detailed information about your product and users.


IndieHub is Coming Soon. Get Notified When it's Ready.

No spam ever — opt out any time.

What people are saying

❤️  For The Community

The future is poised for the engineer. Economies are making it necessassry to have multiple incomes to support a living. We're on a mission to provide the platform developers need so you can focus on what you love.

David Moreen

Creator of IndieHub

Be one of the first to get access to IndieHub and get paid directly.